Arginine supplementation and wound healing. (Stechmiller JK, Chilldress B, Cowan L.) “Nutr Clin Pract. 2005 Feb; 20 (1):52-61.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#723147″ text_color_hover=”#723147″ […]
Arginine Physiology and its implication for wound healing
Arginine Physiology and its implication for wound healing. (Witte MB, Barbul A.) “Wound Repair Regen. 2003 Nov-Dec; 11 (6):419-23.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#723147″ […]
The effectiveness of oral nutritional supplementation in the healing of pressure ulcers
The effectiveness of oral nutritional supplementation in the healing of pressure ulcers. (Frìas Soriano L, Lage Vàzquez MA, Maristany CP, Xandri Graupera JM, Wouters-Wesseling W, Wagenaar L.) “J Wound Care. […]