The effectiveness of oral nutritional supplementation in the healing of pressure ulcers. (Frìas Soriano L, Lage Vàzquez MA, Maristany CP, Xandri Graupera JM, Wouters-Wesseling W, Wagenaar L.) “J Wound Care. […]
Old age, malnutrition, and pressure sores: an ill-fated alliance.
Old age, malnutrition, and pressure sores: an ill-fated alliance. (Mathus-Vliegen EM.) “J off Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2004 Apr; 59 (4):355-60.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” […]
Nutritional care to prevent and heal pressure ulcers
Nutritional care to prevent and heal pressure ulcers. (Singer P.) “Isr Med Assoc J. 2002 Sep; 4 (9):713-6.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#723147″ text_color_hover=”#723147″ […]
Cellular and physiological effects of arginine
Cellular and physiological effects of arginine. (Tong BC, Barbul A.) “Mini Rev Med Chem. 2004 Oct; 4 (8):823-32.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#723147″ text_color_hover=”#723147″ […]
Arginine availability, arginase, and the immune response
Arginine availability, arginase, and the immune response. (Bansal V, Ochoa JB.) “Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2003 Mar; 4 (2):223-8.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” […]
Modulation of inflammation and immunity by arginine supplements
Modulation of inflammation and immunity by arginine supplements. (Efron DT, Barbul A.) “Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 1998 Nov; 1 (6):531-8.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” […]