Assessmentand nutritional aspects of wound healing

Assessmentand nutritional aspects of wound healing. (Campos AC, Groth AK, Branco AB.) “Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2008 May;11(3):281-8. [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” […]

Zinc deficiency and clinical practice- validity of zinc preparations

Zinc deficiency and clinical practice- validity of zinc preparations. (Yanagisawa H) “Yakugaku Zasshi. 2008 Mar; 128(3):333-9.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#723147″ text_color_hover=”#723147″ bg_color_hover=”#ffffff” border_color_hover=”#723147″ […]

Vitamins as hormones

Vitamins as hormones. (Reichrath J, Lehmann B, Carlberg C, Varani J, Zouboulis CC.) “Horm Metab Res. 2007 Feb; 39 (2):71-84.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” […]

Nutrition and Wound healing

Nutrition and Wound healing. (Albina JE.) “JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 1994 Jul-Aug; 18 (4):367-76.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#723147″ text_color_hover=”#723147″ bg_color_hover=”#ffffff” border_color_hover=”#723147″ animate_icon=”” […]

Arginine supplementation and wound healing

Arginine supplementation and wound healing. (Stechmiller JK, Chilldress B, Cowan L.) “Nutr Clin Pract. 2005 Feb; 20 (1):52-61.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#723147″ text_color_hover=”#723147″ […]

Arginine Physiology and its implication for wound healing

Arginine Physiology and its implication for wound healing. (Witte MB, Barbul A.) “Wound Repair Regen. 2003 Nov-Dec; 11 (6):419-23.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#723147″ […]

Role of nitric oxide in wound repair

Role of nitric oxide in wound repair (Witte MB, Barbul A.) “Am J Surg. 2002 Apr; 183 (4):406-12.” [za_button caption=”Continua” link_target=”_self” link=”″ font_size=”10px” padding_vert=”12px” padding_horz=”14px” border_width=”2px” border_radius=”2px” text_color=”#ffffff” border_color=”#723147″ text_color_hover=”#723147″ […]